Wednesday, December 1, 2010


 Last week we headed home for Thanksgiving and enjoyed time with both families. Our first Thanksgiving as a married couple was a success! We enjoyed Turkey dinner with the Haist/Sundheimer/Bradley side of the family and dessert with the Dean's, both were fabulous and we stuffed ourselves silly.

Friday morning Katelyn, her sister and her mom enjoyed the early bird shopping deals at 5:30am! During that time, I continued to hit snooze on my alarm clock. It was nice.

Saturday we spent the day visiting with family and headed back to St. Louis Sunday just in time to put our Christmas tree and decorations up (pictures to come in the next blog)!

We are very thankful for our families and the time we got to spend with them last week. Thank you for making our visit so enjoyable. We are also thankful for ... Jesus. friends (new and old). good food. coffee. a wonderful church. jobs. God's provision over our lives. a warm place to call home. and of course... each other :)

Until next time,
Katelyn & Sam 

Katelyn with new cousins, Phoebe, Maddie & Brendan.

Part of the Sundheimer clan feasting on great food!

Sam with buddy (and cousin) Jack.

Saturday we spent the evening decorating the Dean Family Christmas tree.          

Black Friday Shopping!!!!!! Sam was not invited :)


  1. Yeah! Thankful for both of you and the time we were able to share with you ... although I don't believe you ever ate dessert! Thanks for the blog post ... I look forward to them. Looking forward to seeing the great Christmas one. Can you do a virtual tour of the apartment? : ) Just a thought. Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks. Love you always and thankful for you! Mom Dean

  2. Very good Thanksgiving Day photos!
