Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kelsey's Entertainment Shower

Last weekend Sam and I traveled home to Wheaton so I along with our friends, Allie and Amy could shower my best friend, Kelsey with gifts for her upcoming wedding (New Years Eve)! Kelsey and I have been best friends for 12 years, beginning our friendship at Longfellow Elementary, continuing through middle school/high school together, graduated college together at Olivet this past May and now have the privilege to stand up in each others weddings. It's been quite the journey! I have always admired Kelsey for her love for people, her intelligence, and the godly example she has always been to me. I am so proud of her :) Sam and I are anxiously awaiting their wedding in 40 days! Love you Kels. Thankful for the friend you have been and will always be to me.

Picture of Allie and Amy (our good friends and small group leaders in high school)
with Kels and I at the shower!  
We also enjoyed a yummy dinner with Mom and Dad Haist on Friday night (celebrating Dad's birthday) and Saturday spent the evening celebrating Grandma Dean's 80th Birthday with the Dean's. It was a wonderful weekend home. Blessed by our loving families :)

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