Sunday, December 19, 2010

Early Christmas :)

Well, Christmas came a little early this year (December 16th to be exact). We have a few reasons for our early celebration :) ...

1.) Katelyn was scheduled to sub that day so we were up and ready to roll at 6:30am ... then we got the call that it was a snow day! What else were we suppose to do that early in the AM?

2.) No one really knows the exact date of Jesus' birth... so who knows! Maybe we were right!

3.) Not only did we have a full day of nothing ahead of us (since Katelyn's job was canceled), but we were also celebrating being married for 5 months ... two celebrations in one day sounded okay to us!

4.) It was spontaneous, which also made it all the more fun! Just like Christmas morning!

5.) Not that we feel we need to justify our December 16th Christmas celebration (okay, maybe we do), but we were not going to have another free day with nothing going on to celebrate before heading home to Wheaton. It was the perfect timing!

Needless to say, we enjoyed celebrating our first early Christmas just the two us. We are looking forward to our trip home to Wheaton for the holidays this coming Wednesday and will update the blog the next chance we get (that might be after the New Year for all you devoted followers!)

We love you & wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

This series of pictures is perfect! Sam anxious to open his gift...
Slowly opening with excitement...
And it's... Mario Kart for our Wii!
Excited about his (our) new game :) .. we've been playing it non stop!
Sam's beautifully wrapped gift to me.
    Wow! The Black & Decker Toaster we got as a wedding gift?
Nope, it was a dress! Clever wrapper!

Gift #2 ... Also clever wrapping!

A new black pea-coat! I love it!!
Christmas morning table is set.
Complete with poached eggs (made by my hubby)

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