Sunday, November 7, 2010

2nd post of the day: South City Church

Hello all. We decided to give you guys a two for one deal today! As many of you know, Katelyn and I spent a while trying to figure out what denomination (or lack there of) we wanted to join. After spending time among Methodists, Christian & Missionary Alliance folks, Baptists, Acts 29 folks, non-denoms, and Dutch Calvinists (CRC), we had quite a decision to make! Through a lot of studying, book reading, and conversations, we came to conclusion that we wanted to belong to the Presbyterian Church in America (check out beliefs here)!

Upon coming to this decision, we starting hunting for churches as soon as we moved to St. Louis. It only took our second Sunday here to find our home. Here's a story...

One of Katelyn's "criteria" for a church was that it be big enough that people wouldn't notice we were new, if we were out of town, or if we walked in late on any given Sunday. Well, when we visited South City Church (our new church) within 30 seconds of finding our seats Vivian, a wonderful 92 year-old lady, gave us a warm welcome: "I didn't recognize the back of your heads! Are you new?" All to say, we walked out knowing that this is the church for us.

Since then, we have officially become members, joined a community group, and had a blast getting involved. Katelyn is now a nursery coordinator and I've been playing drums every other Sunday. We couldn't feel more at home with our new church family. It is a joy and blessing to be here.

You can check out our website here:


  1. You both have made a wonderful choice in a church. Our blessings and love are with you. Mom & Dad Haist

  2. Wow, you already made it on the front page of the church's website! :) I'm glad you were able to find a church where you feel at home - it took me and Justin awhile but we settled in the International Church of Prague.
