Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ethel meets Shyla

On Saturday, Sam and I watched our buddy Shyla again. She is so full of personality. Ethel was VERY unsure of Shyla and in fact, wanted nothing to do with her. Shyla moves way too fast for Ethel and the words "gentle touches" don't really mean a lot to Shyla yet. Here is a hilarious video of Ethel and Shyla interacting on the couch.

We learned 2 things from this video.
1.) Ethel wouldn't hurt a fly.
2.) Children exhaust Ethel, and she feels much more comfortable when they walk away.

Too funny. The rest of the weekend we spent taking it easy. Did a little relaxing, took a nice long nap today, studied some Hebrew, did some laundry, and snuggled with the pup. And of course- Friday we watched the World Series. St. Louis has a redeeming factor- a stellar baseball team. World Series Champs! Sam has committed himself to being a Cardinals fan (I can't go that far). Needless to say, the city is lit up with Cardinals fans, souvenirs, parades, the whole deal. It's neat. 

Happy Halloween everyone!

Katelyn, Sam & Ethel

1 comment:

  1. So can just sense Ethel's releif when Shyla moved on. I was finally able to watch this on my desktop computer...didn't work on the ipad.
