Monday, August 29, 2011

Michigan bound.

This past weekend Sam, Ethel and I packed up the car, Michigan bound for JJ & Sara's wedding! We made a two day pit stop on our way up to Michigan in Wheaton with the Dean's. We enjoyed delicious flank steak dinner and time spent visiting. We were thankful for Mom and Dad being Ethel's babysitters for the weekend. They took such great care of her. I'm sure she was spoiled with lots of yummy treats.

Friday morning we headed to Michigan to witness the beautiful wedding of JJ & Sara. JJ was Sam's roommate in Grand Rapids, and his wife Sara also went to Calvin with Sam. It was quite the reunion of Calvin graduates! It was fun to see everyone and catch up. We were thrilled to be there and the wedding was a blast. Good friends and a good time.

Saturday morning we headed back to Wheaton for a one night pit stop at the Haist's before heading back to St. Louis! We enjoyed a delicious rib dinner on Saturday and a great outdoor church service and lunch at Naf Naf on Sunday. It was wonderful catching up with Mom and Dad Haist. Daisy LOVED Ethel, and Ethel is still trying to figure out how Daisy has so much playful energy. Other then Ethel showing her teeth and attempted to bite Daisy, they got along great. I think this past weekend was a breakthrough. Next trip home, they will be buddies.

All around, our weekend was very special. We love going home to Wheaton and visiting with our families. It's always such a sweet time. We are looking forward to coming home again soon to see the all star Jesse in a high school football game under the lights!

Love you all.
Katelyn, Sam & Ethel

wedding time!

Calvin graduates reunion. All these guys were good friends with Sam at Calvin!
The happy couple!
Thank you Mama J and Papa J for watching our baby for us!
This series of pictures is too funny. Daisy just loves Ethel :) 

1 comment:

  1. Loved loved loved having you "home" too! : ) Looking forward to seeing you again in October for some fun football! Great pictures and blog!
    Love you all xoxoxo ...
    Mama J
