Sunday, April 24, 2011

He is RISEN!


Happy Easter to all our family & friends!

We have had a wonderful weekend spent with the Haist's of Wheaton. We are thankful they made the trek to see us and celebrate this glorious day with us! Friday night we enjoyed good conversation, delicious fine Italian food and some quality time in the basement due to bad weather. Our hearts are heavy for all the families and businesses effected by the tornado that came through St. Louis. The destruction is devastating and scary that it was very close to our apartment. We are thankful we are okay!

Saturday around noon we headed to Pappy's BBQ. It was finger lickin good! Then we headed over to the City Museum. We had heard awesome things about the City Museum from friends in St. Louis, but had yet to check it out for ourselves. It was awesome to say the least! We enjoyed climbing through endless tunnels. It was very unique. All the pieces of the museum were made from pieces of scrap metal from areas in St. Louis. It was neat! We even got to see a circus...which Sam intends to join. Yikes. Saturday night we enjoyed a relaxing evening and headed to bed early.

Today, we started our day with a visit from the Easter bunny (after an early Easter bunny visit on Friday ... thank you Mom & Dad Haist)! Then we headed to a wonderful church service at South City. We felt very blessed to have our family there with us this morning. Our pastor, Jay reminded us that in the face of death, to trust in the world, ourselves, or frankly, anything but Jesus is a hopeless dead end. We have a great God who took away our sin, conquered the grave, and gives us the hope of the resurrection in the midst of a death-stricken world. He is good.

We hope all of you had a wonderful Easter!

We love you!
Katelyn, Sam & Ethel :)

Decorating Easter eggs
Our decorated eggs!
The finished products!
Easter morning- The Easter bunny brought "Blessing Buckets!"

Easter 2011 - Family shot!
Ethel's new friend!
Our little family! Sam mid-sentence.

Dad was a kid again!

Tunnels of people of all ages!
"Big kid" ball pit!
The circus!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Looks like a fabulous, fun, activity filled weekend! And a very special first Easter together!
    We missed you!!
    Love you,
    Mom J
