Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Pumpkin Club.

Hello faithful readers!

This past Thursday and Friday I (Sam) was on fall break. In order to celebrate (and procrastinate), we decided to have our friends Danielle and Justin over for some hardcore pumpkin carving. With coffee, apples, caramel dip, cider, and more creativity than Picasso, we got our carve on. Katelyn carved a "friendly" spider (you know, the kind that crawls out and says "how do you do?") and I carved one of my theological heroes: the great reformer John Calvin. We hope you enjoy the pics! Feel free to come see the pumpkins for yourselves! We love visitors!

My cute wife made snacks. 

In the beginning stages of pumpkin carving.

Friends/neighbors Danielle and J-$ (Justin).

Happy Halloween from John Calvin!


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