Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Reformation Day!

Oh... and Halloween. We hope you all had fun trick or treating (and more importantly, celebrating Luther's nailing of his 95 Theses on the Wittenburg door). We enjoyed passing out (and eating) candy, the classic song "Ghostbusters" by Ray Parker Jr., "Werewolves of London" by Warren Zevon, and most of all, Katelyn's homemade chili with friends on the porch. Overall it was a fun Sunday.

Here is a picture of Katelyn with our favorite little trick or treater. If you can't tell, she's dressed as a lawn gnome.

What a cutie! Both of them.


  1. Love all the photos and posts...just wanted you to know I am reading, ellen

  2. Thanks Ellen! How did you figure out how to comment on the posts? Everyone is so confused and can't figure it out ... Sam and I have no idea either!

  3. Hey, I think they made it easier...let's see if this actually posts...

  4. Wow! It worked, I'm so excited...I have loved all your updates (as you already know!) but now I can actually post on your Blog!!!

  5. Sam, Really... wishing everyone a Happy Reformation Day?? I'm shaking my head right now and also smiling...
