Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My stomach = happy.

In case you haven't noticed, we're into food...

Today, while at a job interview, my beautiful bride was baking away. I came home to the sweet aroma of homemade chocolate chip and walnut cookies. My stomach is happy, albeit two pant sizes bigger.

What is even more amazing is how crafty Katelyn is. We didn't have eggs so she used a substitute! In case any of you were curious... 

1 egg = 1 Tbs corn starch + 2 Tbs water


Also, my lovely bride made some cookies for our neighbors so that we can make friends! Food is what brings people together, you know (words of wisdom from Sam and Katelyn).


And up close!

1 comment:

  1. woah seriously? 1 egg=1tbs cornstarch+2tbs water??
    and i know this is from last MONTH ... i had to catch up!
