Sunday, November 17, 2013


This past weekend Sam and I got away to rural Missouri to a quaint bed and breakfast. With a town of 263 people, all we really enjoyed was each other. It was perfect. About two hours from STL, we debated whether or not it would be worth it  -- between the cost of the b&b, gas, a significant drive, finding Ethel care, etc. it wasn't easy! Let me tell you, it was every penny/hassle worth it. The break in routine was exactly what we needed. Its amazing what not emptying the dishwasher in the morning, packing lunches, or taking out the dog can do for you!
The Amber House, Rocheport MO
The in-room fireplace was perfect for the rainy weekend!
This was our first real bed and breakfast experience -- all four couples that stayed at The Amber House met for breakfast at 9am. The breakfast was amazing and it was so neat to share a meal with so many interesting people! The couple that runs the b&b was wonderful as well.
The bed and breakfast backed up to the Katy Trail. We took a nice stroll on Friday when we first got in, but we didn't make it very far before the sun set.
Thankful for the mini-retreat! So great for our marriage, and our sanity!
Being able to get away from the hustle and bustle of life was wonderful. We were so very thankful for this time away, for the money we could save to make it possible, for the approved time off for Sam, for good friends that took in E, and most of all for-- rest. Good rest, and good quality time enjoying each other. I am so blessed by this man, and so thankful that God delights in the good gifts He gives His children -- which includes a night away to retreat.

Until next time.
Sam & Katelyn

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