Thursday, February 21, 2013



Well, once again, its been a long stretch since our last blog. In all seriousness, it's Sam's fault. Every time I sat down to blog he just happened to be at work and didn't know his Google password off hand! So, blame Sam :) (just kidding!)

Since its been awhile, here is a quick update on our lives this winter. 

Sam got us Wicked tickets for Christmas! This was my second time seeing it, and I love it!!!! We went to a beautiful dinner, and then enjoyed the show at the breathtaking Fox Theater.

 We have finally moved into our new church building! Yahoo! Its beautiful. Unfortunately, after a week of being in the new building the AC units were stolen. Welcome to the neighborhood! 

My parents and Jesse came down for the big Grand Opening of our building on January 27th! We had a blast spending time with them and of course eating delicious food. I was very brave, and decided to join the choir for the big event -- here we are singing a beautiful song called "Blessed". 

 In general, we are just too busy! When we do have time to sit down together during the week we have found ourselves in this sleepy rut. We usually turn on the TV and are both snoring logs in minutes, during the little time we have to spend together! So, we have started to play more games and we are really enjoying it. We played Monopoly on Monday night (Sam's favorite), and it was fun ...but only because I won :) 

What is a blog update without a picture of cute dog?? She is finally getting over a 2 week antibiotic for an infected cyst on her foot. Poor little pup.

Another highlight of January (other then my parents coming!) was this cutie and his sweet parents coming to visit!!! We got to watch Alex as Robyn and Justin enjoyed the performance, STOMP. We had a yummy lunch at Pappy's and then this little guy kept us on our toes most of the afternoon. He's just too cute! 

Other then that, we continue to work and be busy! Every night of our week is filled with something... which is something we are going to be more conscious of next year. Its time to cut a few things out of our schedules! We have felt completely exhausted these weeks after Christmas! Spring break couldn't come soon enough! We have been very thankful this semester to start up our Thursday meal swaps with our St. Louis besties. Amber cooks every other week, and we cook the weeks in between. Its so refreshing to sit down with friends during the week and share a meal, and every other week I don't have to cook or do dishes!!!! 

Looking ahead to the spring -- we plan to pack up our apartment over spring break and prepare to move in May. Its exciting now that we know the city better, to apartment hunt. I just couldn't be more excited to be in walking distance to a park. It feels so isolated to drive 20minutes to the nearest pretty place to walk!

Until next time. Lots of love.  
Katelyn, Sam & Ethel 

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet way to start my day. Thanks for blogging and sharing your wintertime experiences. The pictures are great ... now I will have the song "Blessed" in my head all day long! : )
    Great pictures! I miss you and love you all very much!
