Saturday, August 11, 2012

Time flies.

Wow! It seems like forever since the last time we blogged. A lot has happened this summer to make it a "summer to remember" and very hectic at that. For those of you that don't know, our sweet little Ethel was in an accident with another dog in July and had reconstructive jaw surgery in Indiana during the Haist family reunion. It was extremely scary, and we are finally feeling out of the "funk". Ethel, of course, has handled everything like a champ. September 5th we go for our follow up appointment, and we are praying from there that she will be free from the cone! Here is a picture of Ethel the day we took her home from the hospital (left), and her 8 weeks later (right) when she got her stitches taken out! Happy as always!
 That being said, the family reunion this year was rather eventful (in a not good way). We did enjoy seeing the Haist side of the family for the time we did. Its always a blessing to spend time with them! Here is the only picture we took... Gaye and Mr. Alex from our day at the farm... he will be ONE this month!
We also had a wonderful weekend at home with the Dean's at the end of July. It included a trip to Ikea, Ava's 4th birthday party, a visit with Grandma and Grandpa Nelson, Christina and Jensen's Wheaton wedding reception and quality catch up time with Mom and Dad. It was a fun weekend, and it was great to be "home". Here is a picture of Ava and Lauren blowing out her candles!
Then comes... August! Classroom time! My last day at the daycare was Thursday! Then Friday, I started training at SCCS. The carpet in my room was being cleaned on Friday, so Sam and I had to wait until today to "move in". We had so much fun!!! I can't say it enough... this is such a huge blessing to have my own classroom, and at such a wonderful school! Praise the Lord!

I know my family is dying to see classroom pictures, so here is round one. We will have to make a second trip up to school with more fun classroom additions (including my beautiful rocking chair!). So for now, use your imagination (my table legs and third round table won't come in til next week either). Thank you for all of your encouragement... what a journey this has been and it has only begun! Here is a picture of my classroom last week before I "moved in" today...

...and here are some after shots!

Well, there you have it! The remainder of our summer in a nutshell. Sam and I both start school at the end of the month! Time flies.

We love you guys.
 Sam & Katelyn

P.S. I forgot to include a very important picture (and blogger won't let me insert it above the rest), but Sam went under care of the Missouri Presbytery in July! He is officially an intern of the Presbytery. I am so proud (and how cute is his bow-tie)!


  1. Wow...great blog and great job on the classroom. I know that getting the room ready always made me feel ready for a fresh start with a new class of, elle

  2. Happy to see you blogged! : ) You have had a very busy summer and you are still going strong! Great pictures (although I tend to look daily at Instagram for any new developments : ) ... Ethel is looking better all the time ... and so are her parents ... need to see a "family" picture of the 3 of you again. Your classroom looks amazing, can't wait to see you in it! Love you!! Mom J
