Sunday, March 25, 2012


The past two weekends have been filled with some of our favorite people. Last weekend, Sam's college roommate and great friend, Nathan, came for a visit all the way from Boston. It was so good to catch up with Nathan. Sam and Nathan especially enjoyed a mandate evening that included; music purchasing at Euclid Records, a cold brew at Schaffly Bottleworks, and a late night run to Jack N' the Box for some $.99 tacos (yuck). Nathan took the bus back to Wheaton last Sunday and is already back in Boston, studying/working hard at Boston University.

Sam & Nathan reunited.
This past Friday, Anna and Scott came to visit! Oh how we've missed them. It was a fun and exhausting weekend. One in which, Sam and I actually stayed up way past our 9pm bedtime. Friday night we stayed up catching up until midnight and then slept in Saturday (Sam had to go to work at 6am). Saturday when Sam got off work, and the rest of us woke up, we headed to the St. Louis Zoo. It was gorgeous outside. We walked around the zoo for about 3 hours before we were totally wiped. Its a beautiful zoo, and its free! We ended the evening with dinner at Dewey's, frozen custard at the famous Ted Drewes, and playing some board games. Overall, it was such a great weekend to visit with such great friends.

Today, we are napping, relaxing, and getting ready for a busy week -- as we enjoy this beautiful day our Lord has made. Sam has officially started spring break this week and I have concluded mine, back to work tomorrow! My spring break was filled with a few days of working at the daycare, lots of house cleaning/organizing/laundry and a coffee date with my good friend, Christy. It flew by. Sam has already jam packed his break with paper writing and reading -- hopefully he'll find a little time to relax!

So blessed by this lovely lady, Christy.

We hope you all have a great week.

Katelyn & Sam

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