Sunday, January 22, 2012


Last weekend, we dog sat our good friends French Bulldog puppy- Meatball. Oh was it quite the adventure. Not only did we realize we don’t have a real dog, but we completely skipped the puppy stage with our sweet “not dog”, Ethel. Needless to say, Meatball kept us on our toes and playing nonstop.  The funniest part of the weekend was when Sam and I would be sitting on the couch watching TV or reading and Meatball would be barking for us to play -as we kept ignoring him, he would realize we weren’t budging and would go down to Ethel’s bed and bark about a half inch away from her face until finally she would get up and play. Needless to say, we were exhausted by the end of the weekend and so was Ethel.
We did enjoy an hour-long walk in Forest Park and the 10 minutes of silent sleeping dogs that followed. We also enjoyed our time in the basement due to tornado warnings with both dogs; Ethel in the corner shaking, Meatball running around the dirty basement finding every piece of dust and guzzling it down (thanks little vacuum cleaner!).
All to say, by the end of the weekend, Ethel and Meatball were best friends. They would lay down together, walk together, and relax together. We’re glad Ethel found her St. Louis buddy. 
Update on our lives to come soon… 

Sam, Katelyn & Ethel 

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