Monday, December 5, 2011

Tis' the season.

Christmas decorations have exploded at our apartment. Tis' the season. I love Christmas lights, the smell of Evergreen candles, crazy shopping crowds and the anticipation of Christmas. We are all decked out. Saturday, we put the final touches on the outdoor lights and finished the last of the wrapping. Heading to Wheaton on the 21st and looking forward to a week of visiting with family and celebrating the birth of our Savior. Yay! Here are a few pictures of our apartment!

Christmas wreath.
Christmas tree.
Evergreen candle.
Our sweet pup.

1 comment:

  1. Looks BEAUTIFUL!!! You are so creative and artistic ... it looks so sweet and homey! Maybe you can decorate our house when you get here on the 21st??? Dad sure misses doing lights with you!!! : ) We are looking forward to seeing you soon!!
    Love you,
