Sunday, September 18, 2011

Friends & fondue.

On Saturday, we had some of our new friends, the Duncans and the Garretts over for chocolate fondue. These Southern friends (from Georgia) had never had chocolate fondue before! They had no idea what they were missing out on. We had strawberries, bananas, pretzels, marshmallows and pound cake as dunkers and let me tell you- it was delicious. Great conversation, great new friends, and great dessert. We are beginning to slowly fall in love with this city and the people God has blessed our time with here. Today we had a wonderful service at South City and Katelyn and the pup enjoyed a nice long nap this afternoon on this rainy day. We hope all of you had a restful, enjoyable weekend.

Love to you all.

Sam, Katelyn & the pup

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