Monday, July 18, 2011

Wine country.

Sunday afternoon after church Sam and I headed to Hermann, Missouri for a mini getaway for our anniversary. Let me tell you, it was hard to believe somewhere this gorgeous was in Missouri :) It was about an hour and a half drive until we hit wine country and our getaway only went up hill (literally) from there. 

We stayed at the Hermannhof Inn. It was nestled away in the hillside and surrounded by grape vines, rose gardens, and rolling hills. The town of Hermann is an old German town that is very quaint, quiet and romantic. On Sunday night, we enjoyed going on a private tour of the Stone Hill Winery and having a private wine tasting as well. Then we enjoyed a delicious meal at the Vintage German Restaurant and a relaxing evening in our gorgeous room!

Today we enjoyed a complimentary breakfast that was delightful! We went into the main house, sat down at a table, and our breakfast was actually served to us in minutes! It was not a commercial hotel stay, that's for sure! Then we went for an hour drive through the country and came back into Hermann for a tasty light lunch of sausage, specialty cheese, warm bread and of course a glass of wine. Then headed home to our little Ethel who was more than thrilled to see us! Thank you to our neighbors Danielle and Justin for watching her last night :) 

Our first anniversary was definitely a success! 

Sam & Katelyn  

We stayed on the lower level of this house.
Married one year!!!

Thanks Mom & Dad for our champagne and treats!
Over sized shower- perfect.
Over sized bath tub- perfect.
Living room area with fireplace
King sized bed- perfect!

View from outside our room.

At our personal wine tasting with Ray.

Personal wine tour with Amber.
Underground wine cellar- It was freezing and I LOVED IT.
Of course we saw a Do It Best as we were heading out of town- this is for you Dave!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

One year ago...

We got married!!!!!!!!!!

What a special day it was. We were both so overwhelmed with the love and support of all our family and friends and even more overwhelmed with pure joy and happiness to be getting MARRIED. One year later, the feeling is still there. I for one, married the most amazing man. He is constantly showing me Jesus. He is always doing sweet things and there isn't a morning I haven't heard, "good morning beautiful." I feel so blessed.

This year has definitely had it's frustrating moments, but overall we can't complain and in fact would go as far to call our first year easy. Not to say they all will be, but we couldn't be more thankful to be where we are and we can't wait to see what the future has in store. If it were up to Krista, she would have a niece or nephew by the next anniversary- but thankfully it's not up to her :)

Thank you to everyone who helped make our day so special last year. We can't wait for many more anniversaries to come. 

We love you all very much.
Katelyn & Sam

walking down the aisle!

we're married!

love all these girls (and miss them too)! :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

The armpit of America.

This is my advice to everyone- do not move to St. Louis, Missouri. It is the armpit of America. This humidity and heat (118 degrees today) is killing me. One thing is for sure, I am NOT meant to live in the South. I literally melt, and I am ten times crabbier. Poor Sam to have to live with me during this miserable season.

On a different note, a few weeks ago when we were enjoy the upper 70's and 80's we decided to take advantage of our back porch and have dinner outside. It was a beautiful night and it was fun to be outside enjoying each other and yummy food! Here is a picture documenting our meal.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fun on the farm.

We LOVE family. We had a blast this past weekend in Indiana for the Haist Family Reunion 2011. As a new member to the Haist Family, this was my fourth reunion and let me tell you- I have always been impressed. Aunt Ellen does a wonderful job organizing with the help of G-ma and G-pa Haist. Everyone comes together for a wonderful time of visiting, crafts, golf, celebrating etc. It's just perfect.

The alarm went off at 3am on Saturday morning and we hit the road by 4am. Grabbed McDonalds (open 24 hours) for a mediocre coffee and breakfast sandwich. We made it to Indiana just in time for lunch at East of Chicago and enjoyed seeing everyone. That afternoon we visited Grandma Zettie and got to see her perfect reaction to meeting Ethel for the first time. Then we headed back to the farm for a baby shower honoring Robyn and Justin Carr, and baby Carr due in just a few short weeks!

Sunday we enjoyed a beautiful service at Wabash First United Methodist Church, and lunch at Twenty to celebrate Grandma and Grandpa Haist's 70th wedding anniversary! Lunch was delicious, but it was even sweeter to watch Grandma and Grandpa so in love after 70 years, reminiscing about their first dates, houses etc. We are so blessed. Sunday afternoon we enjoyed seeing some of the Sundheimer side of the family and headed back to the farm for BBQ, wagon rides, and delicious s'mores.

Happy 4th of July (on Monday)! We headed to the farm in the morning and enjoyed red, white and blue waffles and the traditional Purdue chicken on the grill for lunch. Then we headed to Dave and Sandy's lake house. The lake house was the perfect end to a wonderful weekend. The weather was gorgeous, the lake was perfect, and leaving with crispy sun kissed skin felt great. Thank you Dave and Sandy!

We got back Tuesday late night and headed back to work this morning. Exhausted, but thankful for such a wonderful time spent with family this past weekend.

Love to everyone.
Sam, Katelyn & Ethel

P.S. Ethel had a blast also. Grandma Zettie watched her most of the time we were at the farm partaking in all the activities. Friday night, during a thunderstorm Ethel was shaking (she does not like thunder), so grandma warmed a towel in the dryer, wrapped Ethel in it, and she was sleeping soundly in her towel on Grandma's lap when we got back to the house that night. Grandma also enjoyed brushing Ethel and refreshing her up with some of her very own perfume. Needless to say, Ethel misses her Grandma Zettie :). The time that Ethel did spend at the farm she revealed to us that she is a farm dog at heart.

Craft day! Concrete stones in our garden!
Ben concentrating very hard on his piece of art!
Sam and the big guy.
What a wonderful woman Grandma Haist is- she amazes me!

Wagon ride! Shawn and Gretchen Haist (cousins).
Just the open fields.

Karate Kid AKA Shawn
We belong on the farm.

Dad showing Katelyn how to hold a piece of straw in her mouth like a REAL farmer.
Dad and Sam going out on Kitchen Lake.
Married 29 years!
The Head Chef (grandpa) and his partner.
Chicken is cooking!!!
Happy 4th of July! Representing the red, white and blue!
Married 70 years!!!!
Haist Family Photo- notice the cars are red, white and blue too!