Monday, June 27, 2011

Soy bean capital of the world.

Saturday, Sam and I decided to make the trek to the Soy Bean Capital of the world...Decatur, Illinois! We went to visit Grandma Dean, and unfortunately forgot the camera so we apologize that the weekend was not documented in pictures. However, we had a wonderful visit and were happy we got to spend some time with G-ma. We enjoyed a delicious sloppy joe dinner made by grandma on Saturday night and had fun learning how to play the Mexican Train Game and even got in some Bananagrams. Sunday, we made it to Tabernacle Baptist Church where we enjoyed a nice service and an even nicer time meeting all of Grandma's friends. I was called "little Jerry" a few too many times :) After church on Sunday grandma treated us to Red Lobster with Uncle Dale & Aunt Glenda which was very sweet. Ethel loves Grandma and we were thankful the time spent with her this weekend. Thank you Grandma for being such a wonderful host!

It was an action packed weekend, because Sunday when we returned home Brad Hemstreet, a good friend from High School stopped by St. Louis on his way home to Colorado. We enjoyed a yummy dinner with the Whitakers and Brad and enjoyed our time visiting with him before he headed out this morning. For those of you that don't know, the Whitakers (Annie) is also a friend from High School that has just moved to St. Louis, and her husband Andrew is attending Covenant. They are now our new neighbors. Crazy! Below is a picture of our mini high school reunion.

We are looking forward to our trip to the farm for the big reunion this coming weekend! July is a busy month for us, but it's a good busy :) Love to everyone.

Sam & Katelyn

Brad, Annie, Sam and I

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dad's day.

Happy Father's Day to the WORLD GREATEST Dad's and Father-in-laws.

We are so thankful for you. Thanks you for being outstanding fathers, as well as Godly men. We are thankful for your leadership, hard work ethic, dedication and love. You are both such an encouragement to us. We love you very much!

Your favorite children (some things never change),
Sam & Katelyn

Happy Fathers Day Dad! I am so blessed to call you Dad.

Happy Father's Day Dad. Thanks for raising me right!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Walking in the Park.

Happy Thursday everyone.

Today we were thrilled to see the sun shining, and the weather cooperating (with a low 85 degrees)! Katelyn had the day off today, so we decided to relax this morning, enjoy Five Guys for lunch, and then head to Forest Park for an afternoon of walking, talking and for Ethel- exploring. It was beautiful outside, and we were thankful for the time spent together. It's crazy to think that in exactly one month we will have been married a whole year. Time flies. We hope you all had a good week, and we hope you have even more restful weekend. Enjoy a few pics from our walk today!

Katelyn, Sam & Ethel

Checking out the fountains- Ethel wasn't so sure about the spraying water.

She's a good dog (and a cute one too!)

Ethel and Pops.