Friday, March 11, 2011

Our little fuzz ball.

We got a dog!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, she couldn't get any cuter. If it was appropriate to give a dog an extremely long name, we would name her "Our little fuzz ball". However, we thought she could get confused. So we named her Ethel. She's just too sweet not to have a "grandma name"!

We got her from a puppy rescue downtown St. Louis this afternoon. She is a year and a half Cockapoo who was used to breed other dogs her whole life until she was surrendered to the rescue. She is VERY timid and scared around people because she has had little human contact in her life (how sad is that?). She is also TERRIFIED of grass and the outdoors in general (potty training will be interesting). We just couldn't resist that cute face and have now committed to helping her recover from the rough life she's had. She's made huge improvement since we got her this afternoon. Instead of running from us, she approaches us now and is currently laying on my lap :). She also snarfed down a bowl and a half of food and a few treats. Needless to say, we're proud.

We love her to pieces and will keep everyone updated!

On a different (but equally exciting) note, Katelyn got a full time job! She beings next week working at Bright Horizons Early Childhood Center has there head preschool teacher. She is excited for her own classroom, full-time (year round) work, and we are both thankful for  the benefits it brings! Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We couldn't ask for better family and friends.

We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Glad we could be there and share in your adoption of Ethel. Krista and I had a great time being with you and getting to know sweet little Ethel and of course seeing the two of you. Your home is beautiful, the chicken and dumplings was fabulous, and we had a very sweet time.
    Thank you for your hospitality.
    We Love you!
    Mom and Krista
