Sunday, February 23, 2014

Great is Thy faithfulness.

Dearest family and friends,

On November 7, 2010 we blogged;
"Upon coming to this decision (to join the PCA), we starting hunting for churches as soon as we moved to St. Louis. It only took our second Sunday here to find our home. Here's a story...

One of Katelyn's "criteria" for a church was that it be big enough that people wouldn't notice we were new, if we were out of town, or if we walked in late on any given Sunday. Well, when we visited South City Church (our new church) within 30 seconds of finding our seats Vivian, a wonderful 92 year-old lady, gave us a warm welcome: "I didn't recognize the back of your heads! Are you new?" All to say, we walked out knowing that this was our new church family.

Since then, we have officially become members, joined a community group, and had a blast getting involved. Katelyn is now a nursery coordinator and I've been playing drums every other Sunday. We couldn't feel more at home with our new church family. It is a joy and blessing to be here.
Since that day four years ago, our church has undergone many, many transitions. From a new building to staffing changes, to doubling in membership size. It has been a blessing and a challenge to be a part of it, and we've been stretched in wonderful ways. We couldn't feel more at home. 

Four years ago, we began praying that this time in seminary would be fruitful and that we would leave feeling energized for ministry.  We also began to pray that somehow we would be able to make St. Louis our home--not just during our four years while Sam was in school. What that would look like? We had no idea. Often (very often), you hear the seminarian circle ask, "what would your dream job be right out of seminary?" Honestly, our "dream" has been to stay here. This is a city we have come to love--a city that has broken us out of our comfort zones and has stolen our hearts! We hoped, we prayed, and we prayed some more, that after seminary God would provide some outlet of ministry experience for Sam that would allow him to be shepherded, encouraged, stretched, and keep us here in the city. We would have never dreamed that God's provision would not only keep us in St. Louis for at least 2 more years, but would provide Sam with ministry experience within our church family.

Just because I think he's cute -- I thought I'd include a pic :)
Today it was announced to our beloved church family that Sam will be coming on staff this summer as part of a new apprenticeship program (!!!!!!). God hears our prayers. We are so excited to see what the next few years hold at South City Church. We will be raising full support in order for Sam to stay on staff, and appreciate any and all prayers in the process! We know God will provide--He has overwhelmed us with his provision during these past four years.

We are so blessed and we couldn't feel more at home.

With thankful hearts,
Sam & Katelyn

 “Great is Thy faithfulness!” 
“Great is Thy faithfulness!“
  Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
    “Great is Thy faithfulness,” Lord, unto me!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Winter 2014

Hello family and friends,

We hope the new year is treating you well. We had four wonderful Christmas celebrations in five days and rang in the new year with Chinese food and an early bedtime. We're old at heart. The year is off to a busy, snow-filled start.  Never would you ever hear me say I'm ready for the summer that is St. Louis, but this winter is rough! I'm enjoying my third snow day of 2014 today! Since there has been a lull in our blogging, I'll update through a few pictures - because who doesn't love pictures ...

Our new favorite way to spend our snow days is by playing Rummy. Ethel is super helpful when it comes to playing cards.
One highlight of January was my bestie coming to visit! Kelsey spent a weekend with us (unfortunately Sam had to work), catching up on life, giving Ethel lots of belly rubs and eating good food. I am so excited that we are finally in the same time zone and driving distance from each other now. We are looking forward to visiting Kelsey, Tim and Toby in Milwaukee soon!
We had more visitors this month - mom and dad! Yay! Sam went out of town for a four day conference in Grand Rapids and my parents came down to visit last weekend. My dad had work to do in St. Louis, so my mom and I had some quality mother-daughter time. My dad joined us Friday night for a delicious dinner at Dewey's pizza, and we enjoyed a yummy breakfast at Southwest Diner Saturday before they headed out.
Picture taken on a rare 60 degree day this winter (I know, bizarre). Sam is in his last semester of seminary! I would like to say, where did the past 3.5 years go? But although it feels surreal that our time in seminary is coming to an end, we feel very ready. Proud of my hubby. He's in full swing of classes, church internship, deacon duties, leading our community group and volunteer work with the youth. Never a dull moment around here!
And in the same week as our 60 degree day, we also had a 15 degree day! Here is my sweet class and I during our hike over to Tower Grove Park. We lasted about 15 minutes before freezing our tails off! We enjoyed seeing a camouflaged bird in her nest and comparing trees in fall and winter.

To end on a cute note -- look at that snuggly dog.

Until next time - much love from us, 
Katelyn and Sam