Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Letter 2013

Dear family and friends,

We hope you enjoyed your Christmas celebrations, and are able to find rest during this busy season. We wanted to give you a brief update on our lives this past year.

Sam is in his final year of seminary and I couldn't be more proud. The past 3.5 years have definitely drawn us closer, but not before breaking us and stretching us first. Seminary is not for the weak! Sam has continued to amaze me with all he is learning and the man God is shaping him into. A quote comes to my mind when I think of Sam --

“A great man is always willing to be little.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Seminary has been humbling in more ways then one, and Sam has continually put others before himself. He is a prayer warrior for our marriage, and continues to amaze me with the way he intentionally loves those around him. Sam also continues to work part-time at Apple Inc. and is keeping busy interning with our church, South City Church. He also continues to play drums every Sunday for worship and volunteers as a leader with the city youth ministry. In his "spare" time he enjoys listening to music, playing music, reading, and brewing coffee in fancy ways. 

I am still loving teaching at South City Community School (you can watch a short video about the school here: I have an energetic group of 16 first graders this year! They keep me on my toes, and their curiosity keeps me desiring to learn more myself. I'm biased, but there can't be any greater job than the nurture and growth of a love for learning in the hearts of little people! I've also taken on a new responsibility at school this year as the After-School Coordinator, which has been great. I continue to teach Children's Worship at church once a month and serve on the Welcoming Committee. I too volunteer with the city youth ministry -- its been great for Sam and I to serve together with the kids every Monday night.

This past summer we moved to South City and have loved every minute of living in our new apartment--including our first dishwasher (!!!!) and a 10-minute walk to Tower Grove Park, one of our favorite places in the city. Unfortunately, or fortunately, we also live within walking distance of our favorite doughnut shop (World's Fair Doughnuts)! Another highlight of our year was a trip to California (Napa and San Fransisco) during the summer to celebrate our 3rd anniversary. We felt very fortunate to have the opportunity to get away and enjoy some much needed rest!

As for Ethel, she continues to be the most laid back dog - sometimes we just refer to her as a "house plant." We couldn't be more thankful for the entertainment, laughter, and overall cuteness she adds to our lives.

It has been a very busy, fast paced year but we are thankful for all of the good gifts God has given us. We are continually reminded to slow down and enjoy life where we are, as challenging as it can be some days. We are thankful this Christmas season for the greatest gift of all - Jesus coming to earth to live among us. We look forward to the joyous day when he returns!

We would love to hear from you, and wish you all a blessed 2014!

Sam, Katelyn & Ethel