Monday, May 27, 2013

May 2013


We are in full swing of business this month! We celebrated our birthdays this month (Ethel included), Sam finished up his 3rd year of seminary (YAHOO!), I finished my first full year of teaching, and now we are in moving mode! We will move our first load this Friday with Gaye and Jim! Yippie! Although all exciting changes, we are feeling quite overwhelmed. Once we get through the month of June, we will hopefully have some time to relax. Moving just really takes it out of you!

This summer Sam will continue to work at Apple, picking up some more hours, and he is taking a class in August. I will begin nannying full time tomorrow, with a nice break for the Haist Family Reunion and our anniversary trip to San Fransisco in July (YAY!!!!!!!!!!). I will say, summer time is not as exciting when you're an adult :). What we are not looking forward to this summer is the awful STL heat. This is the time of year that I always swear we will be packing up and moving North as far as we can go!

Other then that, please pray for a smooth move! We get our new keys on June 5th. We will send out our new address via email soon!

Katelyn & Sam

So proud of my sister, Krista, for graduating from IWU in April! She is an amazing teacher!!!
Happy Birthday to Sam!
Happy Birthday to me!
Our new apartment building! We will be on the right, bottom. Yippie!