Sunday, November 11, 2012

Autumn update

Dear family and friends,

Here we are again with another gap in our blogging. Instead of apologizing for my lack of blogging, I'm taking the blogging advice of a dear friend and deciding to blog once a month. That way, I can recap the month and it seems a little more feasible with our busy schedules.

That being said, October was beautiful. The weather was gorgeous (of course, now we are seeing the 80's again), and we really just enjoyed having the windows open and feasting on pumpkin pie the whole month. Since pictures say things louder then words, here is our month recap in pictures --

The biggest update -- our little pup is on the road to a full recovery! The first picture was taken the day after her surgery in Fort Wayne, IN. The second picture is after her 12 week appointment, and finally -- after her 19 week appointment this past week, as we were on our way home "cone - free"! Yay! The doctor said her jaw has completely fused back together and there is no wiggling anymore! She gave us the go ahead over the next few months to transition her back to crunchy food, which is great. However, she came back with a cough and doesn't seem to have an appetite this weekend due to the tube they put down her throat for her wire removal... prayers are appreciated for the next few months as we finish the recovery!

The other exciting news is -- Sam got hired at Apple!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!! He LOVES his job and even stayed 45 minutes late last week because he was working with a customer and didn't notice the time (that never seemed to happen when I was at the daycare?). God has gifted Sam with wonderful people-skills and he really is "in his element" at work. Apple is a wonderful company to work for, and we both feel so blessed to have this job. We are even talking about staying in STL a year past graduation and Sam is hoping to go full-time as an Apple man for that year.

Katelyn's class update -- how I love these kids! In the midst of our study of mammals and Jane Goodall, we took a trip to the STL Zoo and enjoyed seeing the baby elephant as well as sketching an ape in the primate house. These kids soak in everything, and I love watching their brains take it all in.

This is my sweet friend, Amber. As Sam and I reflect on all the things we are thankful for, I am so very thankful for this lady. For those of you that don't know, moving to STL and being in seminary has been quite the adjustment. The first year was really rough and Sam and I struggled a lot with making connections and feeling very lonesome for "real" relationships. I've had one best friend my whole life (16+ years!), and the fear of never becoming close with anyone during this very transitional time in our lives was a very real, and scary reality. That being said, I am so thankful that for a God that hears and answers prayers. Amber and Sean moved in during our second year of seminary, and the friendship was instant for both Sam and Sean and Amber and I. I am so very thankful for close friends here in St. Louis, in Chicago, and all the way in Washington. Thank you, God for blessing us with "real" relationships.

Update on our church -- we have bought our own building!!!! Praise the Lord for his provision. Our church will be moving into our new building on Jan. 27th. We are still loving our church and our church family :) Sam continues to play drums every Sunday, and I lead Children's Worship once a month. South City Church is such a blessing!

That's about it for our recap. Sam is really busy with school and work, but is enjoying both. I am a very proud wife! We are trying to find a good balance with busy schedules and taking time for ourselves and each other. Life is always changing! We so very thankful for all of you, your prayers, and your love, support and encouragement. We are blessed.

Sam & Katelyn