Sunday, September 9, 2012

Recap #98498549353

Well, life lately has been a little crazy. What's new, right? Here comes yet another "recap" blog, but hey- at least we're blogging!

Last weekend we surprised the Dean's and showed up at the WNHS football game! It was too perfect! We had a blast getting to watch little gup play in his first big home game as the starting center for Varsity! Proud big sister moment. He played an amazing game! We enjoyed spending time with the Dean's (including Grandma Dean!) on Friday and Saturday, then heading over and spending time with Gaye and Jim Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, the weekend ended with heavy, saddened hearts for our dear friends Anna and Scott who gave birth to their second miscarried baby boy in the past 6 months. We were thankful to have been home to spend time with them in the midst of such a horrific time and we look forward to meeting little Seth and Caleb in Heaven someday.

Next up, is an update on our little Ethel. Gaye came down for her 8 week follow up appointment this week, and unfortunately we didn't get the best of news. Her jaw doesn't seem to be healing, so they have given her 4 more weeks of cone wearing and recovery. When we go back in 4 weeks, they will re-assess and decided whether or not doing surgery to implant plates and screws would be beneficial. Ethel doesn't have the best dental health, so that could have something to do with her delayed recovery. Poor thing hates the cone, and is just not herself with it on. We are praying (and would appreciate your prayers) that her jaw would fuse back together in the next 4 weeks to avoid major surgery again. Isn't she the cutest cone head you've ever seen?

Now for an update on my class. Teaching has been such a huge blessing -- I am enjoying every minute and soaking up their sweetness daily. My class is seriously wonderful and I am enjoying teaching more then I ever have before. Of course, there are days that are frustrating and very exhausting. Last week, one of my sweet boys said, "Miss Katelyn, I can tell you've had a rough day. You keep saying "SHHHHHH" a lot." Way to call me out! The first few weeks of school we have really enjoyed getting to know each other, working on our class garden, and beginning to ease into curriculum. Here are few pictures of center time, gardening and of course a class pic.

With that, I am also nannying part time (we couldn't swing my part-time, private school salary). So, my school day goes from 8:30-1pm and then I nanny from 3:15-6:30. I started last week, and I am enjoying my time with them. They really are sweet kids. Here is a pic of them doing their homework!

And finally, an update on Sam and I. Praise the Lord -- Sam got a job! For those of you that didn't know, Sam left his barista job at Shaw's in May. Which ended up being a blessing because he was able to work a very flexible maintenance job for our landlord (during all of Ethel's recovery). However, he has been on the hunt for a job since May and I am so proud of him for taking a job as a window washer! Yay Sam! He will be working for a company called Kings, that primarily employs seminary students. He will work the 8-noon shift on M,W, F (he doesn't have class those days), and he gets weekends and holidays off! We are so thankful.

Today we soaked up this beautiful weather by taking a trip to Castlewood State Park (about 40 min from us), and took a 3 mile scenic hike. It was perfect. We came home, opened all the windows and are now enjoying some quality relaxing time together (and of course, coffee).

I think that's it. We will hope to be better this month about posting -- but I've made that promise one too many times before! We hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather as much as we are!

Sam, Katelyn and the pup.