Sunday, February 20, 2011

St. Louis in February = Chicago in May

Seriously folks. We've had weather in the mid 60s and 70s all this week. Right now it's 73 degrees and sunny. This picture will explain how we feel. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ready for Warmth.

Where does time go? We have had all the best intentions to blog over the past month, but time escapes us! We've felt trapped in our apartment, hibernating from winter ... so the few pictures we have are from one of our few adventures into the cold :)

Update on our Lives:

- Sam finished out his first semester at Covenant with straight A's and enjoyed every class (even January Greek)! He is diving back into school this semester working 15 hours a week (still loving the coffee shop) and taking a full course load of classes.

- Katelyn started her long term substitute position as an Art teacher, 3 weeks early! She loves the new experience and challenges that the position brings. It's A LOT different then being a classroom teacher, but the flexibility is great! Diving back into the 45-50 hour work week has definitely exhausted her, but she loves it. She's the cutest art teacher ever in my book!

- Katelyn got some disappointing news last week, when the principal came to her and explained that the district she's been working and investing so much in will not be hiring on new next year due to major budget cuts in Missouri. Although the principal was VERY encouraging, it was hard for her to hear. The principal for the school wrote Katelyn an excellent letter of recommendation stating that, " I (the principal) am secure in my decision, if the district was hiring, Katelyn Haist would be our top pick."  Encouraging, but disappointing at the same time ... we would love and appreciate prayers for Katelyn and her job hunt in the coming months! We know that God is good, he will provide :)

- We are keeping busy with school, work, tutoring and enjoying getting involved in our church. Wednesdays we enjoy spending time with our church community group, Sam loves playing drums in church on Sunday and Katelyn enjoys getting her "baby fix" in with nursery duty! Our church has been a great way for us to get involved and make some good friends.

Well, that's the update! We would love hearing from you and an update on your life as well. As a heads up ... next Thursday it will be 65 degrees here in STL ... feel free to visit! Sun tanning time :)

Walking in forest park!