Friday, January 14, 2011

Home for the Holidays

Wow, the past few weeks have been busy! We apologize for our lack of blogging :) We are at home again in St. Louis after 10 wonderful days in Wheaton (and 3 in Indiana) celebrating a total of FIVE Christmas celebrations! We know how to party.

We arrived home in Wheaton on Dec. 22nd (just missing Krista turning 20 on the 20th!) and had a great visit with both families. We celebrated Christmas with the Haists on the 23rd complete with an eggs Benedict breakfast and fondue dinner (and of course awesome presents)! We had a wonderful time celebrating our first of five Christmas' together with the Haists!

On Christmas Eve we went to a beautiful service at Blanchard (the church we were married at) with the Dean family and then headed over to the Nelsons for Christmas #2! It was great seeing everyone and celebrating!

Christmas #3, literally came on Christmas morning! We woke up early (feeling giddy like children) and woke up everyone else in the Dean household  to go see what Santa had brought :) We enjoyed a yummy breakfast of Lafsa and egg casserole, had a blast opening gifts and had a great morning spent with family. At noon, we began our journey to Christmas #4 ...

Indiana here we come! We spent the evening of Christmas celebrating with the Sundheimers at Aunt Jet & Uncle Stan's beautiful house. We enjoyed great food and catching up with family we haven't seen since the wedding! We left that night and headed to the farm!

Then comes Christmas #5!!!! The morning after Christmas, we woke to celebrate at the farm! It was gorgeous and covered in snow! Grandma and Grandpa did such a wonderful job of hosting (and Ellen too) and we felt so blessed to be able to join everyone in celebrating!

Once arriving home from Indiana, it was wedding week! Katelyn's best friend (since 3rd grade), Kelsey got married on New Years Eve! It was a blast. We are so happy for Kelsey & Tim and already miss them (they moved far away to Washington)!

Overall, it was a wonderful (and very busy) break spent at home. We cannot say it enough, but we are so blessed to have such great families and especially a God who came into this broken world as a little baby in order to redeem us. Christmas (all five of them) was a joyful time of celebrating our King! We would give our first Christmas' as a married couple 2 thumbs up :)

We love all of you!
Katelyn & Sam

Christmas morning at the Dean's!
Opening gifts from Santa!
Christmas morning on the farm!
My beautiful friend Kelsey!
They're married!
Sam's favorite part of the day... clinking his glass.
Married 6 months this Sunday!
Two of my favorite peanuts, the Klobucher girls!
Ringing in the New Year with the jazz hands (Sam's only dance move)!
Christmas morning at the Haist's!