Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wheaton Weekend

This past weekend Sam and I went home to Wheaton for a fun family filled three days! We drove in Friday night and had a wonderful meal with the Haist's! Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures with Mom & Dad Haist this weekend, but know that we love you and enjoyed staying with you. Thank you for being so hospitable!

Saturday morning we woke up to beautiful fall weather and couldn't have been happier to be home. We headed to Jesse's homecoming football game and loved watching him play! He was asked to be the captain/ do the coin toss for the Homecoming game, which was really neat. He is quite the football player, for those of you who haven't been able to catch a game yet this season... we suggest you do so! After the game, we enjoyed a homemade BBQ pork lunch with the Dean's and celebrating Grandpa Nelson's birthday at Gino's East that night. It was great to see everyone, and we are thankful we got to celebrate with you Grandpa! We love you very much!

Sunday we went to Blanchard for church, Egg Harbor (the standard on the Dean side) for brunch and then off to the AT&T store with the Haist's before heading home to St. Louis. It was a weekend packed with family and we loved every minute of it.
We are so blessed. 
Family back together again! We love you!!
Mom & Dad at the game! Dad does an awesome job running those sideline numbers!
Jesse coming off the field!
Jesse is #55 (the cute center)
My bald husband and I at the game! :) 

Chilly fans!
When did little brother get bigger than us?? He is growing up too fast! Krista and I both had an emotional weekend watching him play football :) We are proud of you Jess man (Sam is too). Love you!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A fun friday.

On Friday, my beautiful bride and I joined new friends, Josh and Katie, for a picnic at the annual "balloon blow" at Forest Park. Let me tell you, it was a lovely affair. Good wine, good cheese fondu, good hummus, and good hot air balloons make for a fun (and good) time. So, if you're in the area next September we would love for you to join us in our new family tradition. It was awesome. 

When we first arrived ... 
Here they come! 
Still coming ... 
The finished product! 
New friends, Josh & Katie. 
Yes, we matched (accidentally).

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wedding Pictures!

Our professional wedding pictures are finished! 
Here are some of our favorites, but you can view the whole selection at: 

Email address: (Your personal one) 

Event Code: 17120-222

A special thank you to John and Maura for capturing our day for us - we love our pictures! 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Adventures

With the beautiful weather this weekend, we decided to have a Sunday adventure and get out and explore this fun city we're living in. We started our Sunday with an awesome service at South City Church then headed to the Greek Festival at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. We had a delicious lunch before heading to Laumeier Sculpture Park. It was gorgeous park with some really neat modern art sculptures as well as nature trails. Overall, it was a great day! 

We also want to wish Grandma Nelson a happy 70th birthday today! Wish we could have celebrated with you. We love you and miss you!! 

Here are a few pictures from our day ... 

Greek food!! 

You can't really tell from the picture,
but this giant cat was made of cut glass. It was really neat. 

Our favorite sculpture ... a giant eyeball! 

Sam was nervous because a huge sign read, "Do not climb on sculptures"
 ... I made Sam take this picture anyway :) The title of the sculpture, "Poet at a table". 

Picture at the park

Sam and I had fun trying to guess the titles of the sculptures ...
Sam won this one. It's name was "knot". 

This picture was taken for our good friend Nathan Meyers ...
it's a sculpture of carbon and oxygen atoms.
It reminded us of lipids, which Nathan studied in college :)