Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hair today, gone tomorrow

Yesterday, Sam asked me to cut his hair. After picking out the perfect clipper set ... I was confident in my ability (ha). Sam begged for a "one" (shortest hair cut before being bald) so .... I gave him a one. Here are the results ... 

A little scared of my new device ...

Before ...

During ...


Friday, July 30, 2010

Welcome to our home!

Hello everyone! 

We hope you are doing well.

We decided to start blogging about life as a happily married couple :) ... Just to keep all of you updated (hopefully weekly) and keep connected with all of our friends and family far far away!  We promise to update you soon with pictures of our wedding (professional pictures), honeymoon and other exciting events here in St. Louis, but we thought we'd take the time to share a few pictures of our new humble abode.

We are very, very thankful for all of the moving help from both sides of our family. While neither of us could say that moving was particularly fun, it was fun to have such great helpers and we couldn't be happier with our new home! 

So... here it goes.

Living room:


Master bedroom:

Guest room/office:


Basement (before & after):

Laundry area (before & after):

Another update coming soon! 

Love you! 
The Haists of St. Louis :)